A little this and that from the winter

Kaleb is turning 12 this year so he's able to get the priesthood and pass the sacrament this year.  We waited for Josh to get home so he could give him the Priesthood.  I thought he would be nervous and not want to pass it but he was so excited and kept getting mad at us cause we were in PA every Sunday until March. When the day come I thought for sure he would back out but he didn't.  He did an awesome job! 
He had to learn how to tie a toe first though๐Ÿ˜‰
Jack has been singing Josh to let him cut his hair forever so he told him before he left that he could once he was back and he kept his promise.  Jack did a great job! 
A little homeschool science in friction 
The boys have been asking Josh to play their video games with them and he always says no caps he doesn't like them but he finally agreed to play Fortnite with Kaleb and Roblox with Jack and they were so excited! 
Now that Kaleb likes steak he wants to make it at home so Josh got some and thru cooked it together.  Before they started Kaleb made himself a chef hat❤️

Were so excited for BMX to start but we have to do track maintenance first! 
Jack, Kip, and Izzy
Now that Roman is better he started playing with his pro team.  The first tournament ended up being in Springfield so we got to go to 2 of the games! It's so fun watching someone you know play a sport.  Kaleb really enjoys going and gets into cheering and chanting ๐Ÿ˜Š
Since Kaleb's arm was in a cast he still hadn't had a chance to ride his new BMX bike and I wanted him to get the feel for it before we went to our first National race in March. I took the kids to the Richmond BMX track because it's always open. By the third time around the track he was already jumping again! Josh took his turn around the track too.
They had an awesome pump track too! Now Kaleb is asking for a truck of dirt for his birthday so he can build one in the back yard ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


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